Mathur Orthopedic & Spine Surgery Blog

Jun 25

Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery: Benefits & Recovery

Are you facing back pain that hasn’t responded to conservative treatments?  If so, you’ve likely heard the words “spine surgery,” which can conjure up images of long scars, painful recoveries, and extended hospital stays.

Fortunately, there’s a modern alternative that’s transforming the way we approach spinal issues: minimally invasive spine surgery (MISS).

What is minimally invasive spine surgery?

Minimally invasive spine surgery is a revolutionary approach to treating a wide range of spinal conditions, from herniated discs and spinal stenosis to degenerative disc disease and even spinal deformities.

Unlike traditional open surgery, which involves a large incision and significant muscle disruption, minimally invasive procedures use specialized instruments and techniques to access the spine through much smaller incisions.

Here are some common examples of minimally invasive spine procedures:

  • Microdiscectomy
  • Laminectomy
  • Spinal fusion
  • Foraminotomy
  • Vertebroplasty and kyphoplasty
  • Endoscopic spine surgery

These are just a few examples of the many minimally invasive spine surgery techniques available. The specific procedure recommended for you will depend on your diagnosis and needs.

It’s important to discuss all your options with a qualified spine surgeon to determine the best approach for your situation.

How does it work?

Surgeons performing minimally invasive procedures utilize tiny cameras, specialized tools, and real-time X-ray guidance to navigate through the spine with precision.

Instead of cutting through large swaths of muscle, they gently dilate the tissue, creating a pathway to the problem area.  This approach significantly reduces trauma to surrounding tissues and structures.

What are the advantages of minimally invasive spine surgery?

Minimally invasive spine surgery offers several compelling advantages over traditional open surgery:

Smaller incisions, less scarring

Minimally invasive spine procedures involve much smaller incisions, typically less than an inch long, compared to the larger incisions of open surgery.

This results in less scarring, a more cosmetically appealing outcome, and potentially less post-operative pain.

Reduced blood loss

The minimally invasive nature of these procedures leads to significantly less blood loss. This reduces the risk of needing blood transfusions and minimizes complications associated with excessive bleeding.

Less muscle and tissue damage

Minimally invasive spine surgery avoids cutting through large muscle areas, minimizing damage to surrounding tissues and structures. This leads to less post-operative pain, faster healing, and a quicker return to normal function.

Faster recovery times

Patients undergoing such procedures typically recover much faster than those undergoing open surgery. This translates to shorter hospital stays, a quicker return to daily activities, and a sooner resumption of work and other commitments.

Lower risk of infection

Smaller incisions and less tissue disruption mean a reduced risk of infection, which is a crucial factor in any surgical procedure.

Earlier mobilization

Patients can often start moving and walking sooner after a minimally invasive procedure, which aids in recovery and reduces the risk of complications like blood clots.

Recovery timeline: What to expect after your surgery?

Recovering from minimally invasive spine surgery is typically smoother than traditional open surgery. However, it’s still important to understand the timeline and expectations to ensure a successful healing process.

Immediately after surgery 

You’ll likely stay in the hospital or medical facility for observation. The focus is on pain management, wound care, and getting you up and moving as soon as possible.

Physical therapy will begin as soon as possible. A physical therapist will help you start gentle exercises to promote blood flow and prevent complications.

Most patients go home within 1-3 days, sometimes even the same day, depending on the procedure and your overall health.

Weeks 2-4

Your orthopedic doctor may recommend a gradual increase in activity during this time. However, you should still avoid strenuous activities or heavy lifting.

You can return to some light activities, like desk work, depending on your recovery and your doctor’s recommendations.

Weeks 4-6

Physical therapy remains crucial at this stage for regaining full function and strength. Depending on your job and recovery progress, you may be able to return to work with some modifications or restrictions.

Months 2-3

Most patients can resume most of their normal activities, including exercise, by this point. However, it’s essential to continue with physical therapy as needed to address any remaining limitations or weaknesses.

Your surgeon will continue to monitor your progress and adjust your rehabilitation plan as needed.

Months 6-12

Most patients achieve full recovery within 6-12 months, although this can vary depending on the individual and the specific procedure.

Maintain a healthy lifestyle with regular exercise and proper posture to support your spine health long-term.

Is minimally invasive spine surgery the right treatment option for you?

If you’re struggling with back pain or a spinal condition, you may be a good candidate for minimally invasive spine surgery. Talk to a qualified spine surgeon who specializes in these techniques. They can assess your needs and guide you toward the best treatment plan for a faster, less painful recovery.

Remember, choosing the proper treatment for your back pain or spinal condition is a crucial step toward regaining your quality of life.

Take the time to gather information, consult with experts, and make an informed decision that empowers you on your path to healing.

Dr. Sameer Mathur: Your Premier Choice for Spinal Care

When it comes to spine surgery procedures, finding a provider who combines expertise, innovation, and compassionate care is essential.

Dr. Sameer Mathur stands out as the leading specialist in orthopedic spine surgery, offering unparalleled expertise in minimally invasive procedures. These advanced procedures are designed to reduce pain, minimize recovery time, and improve overall outcomes for patients.

Dr. Mathur’s extensive training and years of experience make him the top choice for anyone seeking relief from spinal issues.

If you’re looking for the best minimally invasive spine surgery near me, you’re on the right page. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and take the first step towards a pain-free life.

You can also visit our spine specialist in one of our convenient locations near you:

  • Spine specialist in Cary, NC
  • Spine specialist in Raleigh, NC
  • Spine specialist in Durham, NC

The material contained on this site is for informational purposes only and DOES NOT CONSTITUTE THE PROVIDING OF MEDICAL ADVICE, and is not intended to be a substitute for independent professional medical judgment, advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare providers with any questions or concerns you may have regarding your health.

Nov 10

5 Signs You Need a Spine Surgeon

“My back is killing me.”

“I don’t remember what it feels like to not have back pain.”

“I wish my back felt good enough to do that.”

Back pain is a reality for thousands of Americans. Acute back pain— usually caused by a small injury or an awkward movement of the spine— can be treated with basic remedies like rest and over-the-counter NSAIDs like aspirin.

Sometimes, though, the pain can persist or become problematic. It can even feel like there’s no end in sight. Even with these feelings, many patients can avoid seeing a spine surgeon because they’re afraid the prognosis will definitely be surgery. It makes sense, right? A surgeon will always want to perform surgery.

That’s actually not true. Believe it or not, even if you have crippling back pain, you don’t always need surgery. There are other options out there that can help. But what about the few that need surgery?

Our expert spine surgeon gives the top 5 signs you may need to see a spine surgeon. If you feel like you or a loved one are seeing some of these signs, request your appointment today.

Sign1: Weakness, Numbness, or Tingling in Arms and Legs

Weakness, numbness, or tingling in your limbs is often caused by the compression of nerves around the spine. Your nerves can become compressed for a variety of reasons, including:

  • Disc problems, such as herniated discs
  • Overgrowth of bones
  • Narrowing of the spinal canal
  • And other conditions.

Nerves in the cervical spine control the functions of the upper body, while nerves in the lumbar spine control the lower body. This helps us identify where the problem may be occurring.

Sign 2: Bone Spurs in Your Spine

Bone spurs are most often caused by arthritis and can put undue pressure on your spinal cord. They tend to be a harmless consequence of aging, but bone spurs can occasionally grow to the point of compressing spinal nerves.

Some signs your bone spurs are causing problems include tingling, weakness, numbness, or pain radiating to your extremities.

Sign 3: You Have a Slipped or Bulging Disc

Between each of your 33 vertebrae is a series of buffers called “discs”. As we age or engage in certain activities, spinal discs can end up slipping, bulging, or rupturing. Usually, you can ease your disc back into place with some stretching and exercise— though consult your doctor first!

If exercise and stretching don’t work, it may be time to consult a spine surgeon.

Sign 4: You’re Getting Shorter

Diseases such as osteoporosis can make bones in the spine significantly weaker. As the bones get weaker, they get more brittle and can fracture. From there, the spine can collapse on itself causing you to lose height.

If you are dramatically hunched over or other options to relieve pain associated with osteoporosis are not effective, surgery may be necessary.

Sign 5: You Have More Bad Days than Good Days

If you don’t feel like you have the ability to live a “normal” life because of your back pain, it might be time to see a spine surgeon. Severe back pain can get in the way of your career, your personal life, and cause you to miss out on things with your loved ones. It can impact your quality of sleep, how you feel, how your body functions, and even your ability to stand.

Don’t live a limited lifestyle if you don’t have to.

General Signs to Look Out For

Not everyone has a medical diagnosis to work with before seeing a specialist. We encourage patients to make an appointment if they experience any of the following signs or symptoms:

  • Back pain that either worsens or does not get better
  • Numbness, weakness, or tingling in the arms, legs, or other parts of the body
  • Pain that causes issues with fine motor skills, such as making a fist, opening makeup or personal hygiene containers, or tying knots
  • Pain that leads to neck issues and worsens over time and with activity, think more than just “sleeping funny” for one night
  • Sudden development of bowel and/or bladder problems

While broad, these symptoms may indicate a broader issue with your spine. It’s best to err on the side of caution and see a spine surgeon near you.

Meet Dr. Mathur

Dr. Mathur has devoted much of his education and career to advancing spinal research. He studied the effects of proteins on cell growth at Dana Farber Cancer Institute in Boston and presented his findings at an international conference. In addition, Dr. Mathur spent one year conducting research on bone metabolism under the mentorship of Dr. Kaplan. He was also Assistant Professor in the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill. While at UNC, Dr. Mathur led the research team studying the optimal treatment for spinal cord injury as well as the genetic causations for scoliosis in adolescents. He has received several awards for his research including the Scoliosis Research Society award and Best New Investigator Award.

Learn more about Dr. Mathur.

Sep 25

5 Tips to Reduce Back Pain

Back pain— especially lower back pain— is an incredibly common occurrence. Treatment options will depend on where your pain is located (upper, mid, or lower back) and the severity (acute or chronic).

Lower back pain is more common because it supports the weight of the upper body and is subject to a lot of stress and strain. Everyday movements, such as lifting or twisting, can cause further strain to your lower back.

Upper back pain can be caused by overuse of the muscle, poor posture, and a myriad of other reasons.

While it’s best to see a professional to diagnose and treat your back pain, our expert staff at Mathur Spine Surgery has pulled together their top five tips to reduce back pain. If you’re ready to professional treat your back pain, consider a consult for back pain surgery.

Tip #1: Maintain Proper Posture

Whether you’re sitting or participating in activities, it’s important to maintain proper posture. During activities, you should:

  • Avoid slouching
  • Aim to keep your spine erect
  • Straighten from the knees— not the back— when lifting
  • Move your hips when twisting from side-to-side

This is especially important when you play sports or have a job that requires repetitive motions.

While sitting, aim to:

  • Keep feet planted on the floor
  • Use a chair that provides back support
  • Avoid hunching forward to see your computer screen

Tip #2: Stretch Your Muscles

Stretching is an excellent way to relieve both chronic and acute back pain while also working to prevent future back problems. It’s important to do a variety of stretches to reach all the muscles in your back.

Trunk Rotation Stretch

To begin this stretch, lay on the floor, using a mat if you need more cushion, with knees bent. While keeping your upper back flat to the ground, rotate your legs towards the floor until you feel a stretch. You want to feel a good stretch but you don’t want to feel pain. If it’s painful, try moving your legs closer to the starting position.

Hold for about 5 seconds, repeat several times, and then perform this stretch on the opposite side.

Child’s Pose

Begin the child’s pose on all fours. Move your hips back while reaching your arms forward. You will begin to feel a stretch in your back. Breathe deeply and try to move your palms forward as far as possible without causing pain.

Hold this stretch for about 10 seconds, continuing to breathe deeply, and repeat several times.

Tip #3: Wear the Right Shoes

While those summer sandals might look cute, they might actually be harming your back. Supportive footwear can improve your overall posture and decrease your risk of suffering from back pain. You want to choose the right shoe for the job.

When you’re exercising, choose a sneaker— though remember that different exercises may call for a different shoe.

When on your feet for prolonged periods of time, retire the high heels or unsupportive loafers and choose something with great support. Compared to 20, even 10, years ago, there’s a wide variety of supportive yet professional footwear.

Tip #4: Choose the Right Mattress

For some people, they can sleep on the ground and wake up feeling refreshed with no pain. That’s not the reality for everyone, though. For those experiencing back pain, a quality mattress can make a huge difference. If you’re suffering from back pain, you’ll most likely benefit from sleeping on a medium-firm mattress. However, this can change depending on your sleep position.

Side sleepers actually need a softer mattress to help maintain good posture. For back and stomach sleepers, a firmer mattress will be a better fit. If you have lower back pain, it’s highly recommended to avoid sleeping on your stomach altogether.

Tip #5: Stay Active & Maintain a Healthy Weight

Being overweight can place even more strain on your back— especially as you age. Talk to your doctor to determine the right recommendations for diet and exercise to keep your weight in a healthy range.

Staying active can also help you maintain a healthy weight and reduce back pain. While it’s difficult, resist the temptation to stay in bed and get moving. Gentle stretching, like some of the ones listed above, and light activity can help back muscles heal faster. Don’t go outside your comfort zone and, if you feel pain, stop the activity.

Back pain might be common, but you don’t have to just live with it. Give Dr. Mathur a call at (919) 297 0000 or schedule your appointment online to see how you can live pain-free.

Meet Dr. Mathur

Dr. Mathur has devoted much of his education and career to advancing spinal research. He studied the effects of proteins on cell growth at Dana Farber Cancer Institute in Boston and presented his findings at an international conference. In addition, Dr. Mathur spent one year conducting research on bone metabolism under the mentorship of Dr. Kaplan. He was also Assistant Professor in the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill. While at UNC, Dr. Mathur led the research team studying the optimal treatment for spinal cord injury as well as the genetic causations for scoliosis in adolescents. He has received several awards for his research including the Scoliosis Research Society award and Best New Investigator Award.

Learn more about Dr. Mathur.

Sep 6

What’s Causing My Back Pain and Do I Need Back Surgery?

woman experiencing back pain

From simple strains to slipped discs, millions of Americans deal with back pain every day. As your body’s main structural support, the back endures plenty of wear and tear while remaining flexible to meet your movements.

There are different kinds of back pain, though, and the type of pain you experience matters to your short term and long-term health. That’s why we’ve put together this high-level overview of different kinds of back pain and what your options are for dealing with each type.

Causes of Upper Back Pain

If you’re suffering from upper back pain, it could be caused by:

  • Overexertion
  • Improper lifting techniques
  • Accident or collision
  • Poor posture

These are some of the more common causes of upper back pain. If you can’t think of a recent event that would be the underlying reason for your suffering, you could have an issue that can only be diagnosed by a medical professional. More serious back issues include:

  • Thoracic herniated disc
  • Compression fractures
  • Arthritis
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Severe spinal deformity

You’ll want to have these issues diagnosed as soon as possible so you can have them treated.

Causes of Lower Back Pain

Lower back pain could have similar causes to upper back pain, including lifting a heavy object or twisting while lifting, recently suffering a fall, sitting or standing with poor posture, or a sports injury.

However, if you’ve been experiencing chronic lower back pain — defined as lasting for longer than 3 months and exceeding your body’s natural healing process — then you’ll want to see a doctor for a thorough examination. Causes of chronic lower back pain may include:

  • Lumbar herniated disc
  • Degenerative disc disease
  • Facet joint dysfunction
  • Spinal stenosis

How Would You Describe Your Pain?

When you seek medical attention for your back pain, the doctor will ask you to describe the pain in order to diagnose the underlying cause.

Back pain can be sharp or dull, constantly present, or it can come and go at will. This is typical of a muscle strain. Back pain can also be dull and achy, can move around, and even vary in intensity. It can also be a deep and searing pain that moves along the path of the nerve to the arm or leg that is also accompanied by weakness or numbness.

When talking to your medical professional, it’s important to describe the pain you’re feeling as best as possible because it will help them determine the most likely cause and the best treatment plan.

When It’s Time for Back Surgery

Depending on what is causing your pain, and if conservative approaches to treatment haven’t worked, it might be time to talk to your doctor about back surgery.  

For back surgery in Raleigh, NC, contact Mathur Spine Surgery at 919.467.4992 to set up a consultation with Dr. Sameer Mathur. Dr. Mathur will work with you to find the best treatment for your needs.

Meet Dr. Mathur

Dr. Mathur has devoted much of his education and career to advancing spinal research. He studied the effects of proteins on cell growth at Dana Farber Cancer Institute in Boston and presented his findings at an international conference. In addition, Dr. Mathur spent one year conducting research on bone metabolism under the mentorship of Dr. Kaplan. He was also Assistant Professor in the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill. While at UNC, Dr. Mathur led the research team studying the optimal treatment for spinal cord injury as well as the genetic causations for scoliosis in adolescents. He has received several awards for his research including the Scoliosis Research Society award and Best New Investigator Award.

Learn more about Dr. Mathur.

Aug 2

Why You Can Trust Dr. Mathur for Back Surgery in Raleigh, NC

back surgeon shows patient x-ray

At Cary Orthopedics Spine Center in Raleigh, NC, dedicated surgeon Dr. Sameer Mathur offers specialized solutions for patients struggling with back or neck pain.

Dr. Mathur strives to give patients relief, whether it involves a minimally invasive treatment or a complex surgery. With years of experience as a spinal surgeon, Dr. Mathur is also the perfect person to ask for a second opinion on surgical procedures.

Comprehensive Care from Dr. Mathur

There’s a reason patients put their trust in Dr. Mathur. He has a career’s worth of successful back surgeries on record, and his experience, combined with the support of the team at Cary Orthopedics Spine Center, help him determine the best treatment for your case.

Treatment Options

Major surgery usually isn’t the only option. Dr. Mathur starts by considering less-invasive procedures that target your pain with small incisions. When you feel tremendous pain in your neck or back, it could be due to a damaged spinal disc, fused vertebrae bones along the spine, overgrown vertebral bone or tissue that intensifies nerve root compression, and more.

To relieve you of pain while maintaining your range of motion and mobility, Dr. Mathur might perform any of these minimally invasive surgeries:

  • Disc replacement
  • Cervical laminoplasty
  • Laminectomy
  • Lumbar fusion
  • Microdiscectomy

He might also follow through with any of these complex outpatient surgical options as the best course of action for your back or neck pain:

  • Stem cell injectional therapy
  • Cervical fusion
  • Kyphoplasty for spine compression fractures
  • Permanent spinal cord stimulator implantation
  • Interspinous process spacers for spinal stenosis

With a range of different treatment options, Dr. Mathur will find the procedure that will work best to relieve you of back or neck pain and return you to your everyday routine.

Expert Second Opinion

Before you commit to back or neck surgery, receiving an unbiased second opinion can reaffirm your initial decision or open your eyes to other available treatment options that are less invasive or more cost-effective.

In addition to being an expert surgeon in his own right, Dr. Mathur has years of experience studying, researching, and performing different procedures. He can evaluate your condition and provide you with a knowledgeable second opinion before back surgery to validate whether or not you should follow through with your decision.

Schedule Back Surgery in Raleigh, NC

If you are in Cary, Raleigh, or Durham, NC, contact Dr. Sameer Mathur and his team of spinal surgeons for a consultation today, or call our office for more information.

Meet Dr. Mathur

Dr. Mathur has devoted much of his education and career to advancing spinal research. He studied the effects of proteins on cell growth at Dana Farber Cancer Institute in Boston and presented his findings at an international conference. In addition, Dr. Mathur spent one year conducting research on bone metabolism under the mentorship of Dr. Kaplan. He was also Assistant Professor in the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill. While at UNC, Dr. Mathur led the research team studying the optimal treatment for spinal cord injury as well as the genetic causations for scoliosis in adolescents. He has received several awards for his research including the Scoliosis Research Society award and Best New Investigator Award.

Learn more about Dr. Mathur.

Jul 6

What You Should Expect From Your Orthopedic Surgeon

orthopedic surgeon holds up model spine to explain second opinion

If you find yourself in a position where you need orthopedic surgery, slow down and take the process seriously. Choosing the right surgeon can have a profound impact on the procedure itself and the recovery period afterward.

Below, we’ve put together a step-by-step to having surgery done, including an explanation of why you should always get a second opinion before having orthopedic surgery. Read on so you can be well informed before you commit to anything.

Orthopedic Surgery, Step by Step

The Consultation

During your initial consultation with the surgeon, you’ll likely discuss the general history of your condition, such as the causes and symptoms. After examining your X-rays and assessing your condition, they might propose surgery as the best course of action. In this case, your surgeon will thoroughly describe the surgical process, including the duration of your recovery.

Remember, you should always seek a second opinion before you agree to have surgery done. For example, if you’re looking for a second opinion on a spinal matter, you can make an appointment with our own Dr. Mathur.

An unbiased second opinion can prevent you from receiving an unnecessary operation when other less invasive treatment options are available. If surgery is not a mandatory procedure, you can also avoid the expenses associated with it.

Even if you’re prepared to pursue surgery, hearing from a second surgeon will provide you with more information about the procedure and the risk factors involved. That way you can feel confident about the operation as well as your choice in surgeon.

Preparing for Surgery

For the surgery and recovery process, you want to feel physically and mentally prepared.

Your body will heal faster if you’re in good health aside from the condition being treated. Leading up to surgery, eating right and exercising can also help your body recover from surgery more quickly.

When you arrive on the day of your surgery, you will likely have to fill out paperwork before you get started. Anesthesia often requires an empty stomach, and your doctor will tell you how long to fast before the procedure. Wearing loose-fitting, comfortable clothes is also a best practice.


For a quick, successful recovery, it’s important to follow all of the instructions given to you after the surgery has been completed. If you dismiss your physical therapy sessions or refuse to take certain medications post-op, your only making the recovery process harder. Be prepared to follow protocol following your surgery to promote proper healing.

Seek Spinal Treatment Options in Raleigh, NC

If you’re considering orthopedic spinal surgery or are in need of an unbiased second opinion, contact orthopedic surgeon Dr. Mathur of Mathur Spine Surgery. Dr. Mathur only performs surgery when he is sure it is the most effective method of treatment for your spine.

To learn more, reach out to us or schedule a consultation at our practice in Raleigh, North Carolina.

Oct 10

New Treatment for an Old Problem

As a spine surgeon, I frequently see patients with back pain.  Most of the older patients that I see are told that spine pain is part of the aging process and there is nothing that can be done.  If you are older than 60, your back pain may be coming from small fractures in your spine called compression fractures.

A compression fracture is usually defined as a vertebral bone in the spine that has decreased at least 15% to 20% in height due to fracture. Compression fractures can occur in any area of the spine but most commonly occur in the upper (thoracic spine) and mid back (junction of the thoracic and lumbar spine).  The most common locations are T7, T8, T12, and L1.

Compression fractures can cause severe pain in the location of the fracture and radiating pain to the ribs or to the legs.  If left untreated, compression fractures can lead to thoracic kyphosis (dowager’s hump-forward stooped posture of the spine).  Multiple fractures can cause breathing issues, difficulties with balance, and height loss.

The most common cause of compression fracture is osteoporosis.  Osteoporosis is the most common in the follow groups:

  • Race: White and Asian women have the greatest risk.
  • Age: The chances are higher for women over 50 and go up with age.
  • Weight: Thin women are at higher risk.
  • Early menopause:  Women who went through it before age 50 have higher chances of getting osteoporosis.
  • Smokers: People who smoke lose bone thickness faster than nonsmokers.

Measuring bone density

Bone density and fracture risk are closely related. The most common way to measure bone density is with a DEXA (dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry) scan. If you are a postmenopausal woman taking an osteoporosis medication, the National Osteoporosis Foundation recommends bone density to be repeated every 2 years (or more frequently, depending on your medical history).

Routine testing of your bone density is very important—even if you know you have postmenopausal osteoporosis and are taking steps to manage it with prescription medication, along with calcium and vitamin D, diet, and exercise.


If you are having back pain especially due to trauma, we start with getting an x-ray of the area of the spine that is the most painful.  If the x-ray shows that there is a fracture then we get an MRI of the spine.  On x-ray it is very difficult to tell whether the fracture is new or old.  The MRI will show if there is edema (swelling) in the fractured bone.  The edema in the bone is a sign of a new fracture.


If you have a new compression fracture, we always try to treat the problem conservatively.  We may give you medications that help with your pain, modify some of your activities, and give you a brace to wear. Usually compression fractures take about three months to heal.

If the pain is not improved with medications, activity modification or bracing, then we consider performing a kyphoplasty.   

The kyphoplasty is performed in our office under local anesthesia.  A needle with a cannula is inserted into the broken bone under the guidance of x-ray.  The needle is then removed and through the cannula, a balloon is inserted and placed near the fractured area.  The balloon is then inflated under x-ray restoring the height of the compressed vertebral bone.  The balloon is then removed and liquid cement is then placed into the vertebrae.  The liquid cement serves as glue between the fractured parts of the bone.  The body temperature causes the cement to harden and support the fractured bone.  

In most cases, pain relief is immediate.  The procedure takes about 20 minutes to do and patients go home within an hour.  There is no need to wear a brace after the procedure and patients can resume their normal daily activities.  It is one of the most successful procedures.

To learn more about the procedure, or to request an appointment, please contact us at 919.467.4992 or request an appointment through our website.

Kyphoplasty (Balloon Vertebroplasty)

Oct 5

Announcing Our New Website!

Dr. Sameer Mathur, a minimally invasive spine surgeon at Cary Orthopaedics in Cary, NC, is excited to announce the launch of his brand new website! After months of hard work and dedication, we are delighted for the website to officially launch.

We designed this website with our patients in mind. Our goal is to provide our patients an easier way to request an appointment, learn more about their upcoming surgery, and access additional information about Dr. Mathur. Additionally, we wanted a way for referring physicians to submit referrals in a simple manner.

Dr. Mathur and staff want to provide each patient, soon-to-be patient, and any one out there suffering from neck and back pain with the most dynamic and helpful website browsing experience. The new website is interactive and gives better access to information such as:

  • About Us
  • Spinal Conditions and Treatments
  • Educational Info and Videos
  • Patient Forms
  • Patient Testimonials and Success Stories
  • Workers Compensation and
  • Contact Information and Appointment Requests

We invite you to explore our new website to learn more about all the services that Dr. Mathur offers. Dr. Mathur and his team provide comprehensive spine care for musculoskeletal pain and dysfunction in the neck and back, including treatments from conservative, non-surgical procedures and spine physical therapy to traditional spine surgery, to cutting-edge minimally invasive spine surgery.

Amongst the new features, the site contains integrated social media buttons for Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, and Twitter to provide improved communication with patients. We will be constantly updating our content with helpful information, blogs, company announcements, and patient testimonials.

Dr. Sameer Mathur and his clinical staff hope you find the new website useful. Not only does it have a fresh look, but it also provides easy access to information, appointment requests, and a simple way for referring physicians to submit referrals to our site.

We also plan to use the new website to share exciting information with our followers, such as Cary Orthopaedics recently being voted the 2017 Best Orthopaedics practice! We are grateful to all of the voters, to our community, and to our current and past patients for the support we receive year after year.

We hope you like the changes, and if you have any feedback, questions, or comments, please let us know.

To learn more about Dr. Sameer Mathur, or to request an appointment, please contact us at 919.467.4992 or request an appointment through our website.